Thirsty Thursday

Don’t worry, mom, I don’t mean that kind of #thirstythursday. I mean the “I don’t drink all the water that I need to” kind of Thirsty Thursday!

Did you know that you’re supposed to drink half of your body weight (in oz) every day? So if you weigh 150 lbs, you need to drink 75 oz of water. I struggle with that so much!! That’s a requirement on the 21 Day Fix program, but I’d be lying if I said I got that much water every day!

coffee counts, yes?

The only trick that I’ve found to help me drink more water is to use a pretty (sassy) water bottle. I searched for some of my favorites (some of these I have, some of these I totally #need) and here’s what I came up with!

S’well bottle (the gold. I die.) // S’well bottle (I have. I love.)
ABD Tumbler // ABD Water Bottle
Camelback // Nalgene (ol’ faithful)
Monogrammed Water Bottle // Motivational Decal

Drink up!


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